How to gain access to all features
Thank you for purchasing Nibiru Trading Indicators!
By purchasing the Nibiru Trading Indicators you have gained access to:
- Lifetime access to the full set of Nibiru Trading Indicators
- Training course on how to take full advantage of the Nibiru Trading Indicators.
*Please ensure you read below in order to gain access to all features:*
To gain access to all Nibiru Trading Indicators, please send me an email (you can reply to this email) with your TradingView* username. In response you will get confirmation of being given access to the Nibiru Trading Indicators on TradingView. After being given access to the Nibiru Trading Indicators, you can find them under ‘Invite only scripts’ in the ‘Indicators & Strategies’ section of TradingView interactive charts, or at the links listed below:
- Nibiru Support and Resistance:
- Nibiru Matrix:
- Nibiru Stochastic Oscillator:
- Nibiru RSI:
*You can sign up for TradingView at
Note: By default, TradingView has the indicator labels option turned on. For a cleaner looking price scale, disable this option by: 1) right-click the chart background and select 'Settings', 2) under the 'Scales' heading, uncheck the 'Inidicator Last Value Label' option. 3) click 'Ok'